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This is Cauldron Ice Cream: Home Of The OG Puffle

The Cauldron, known for their unique liquid nitrogen made ice cream and paired with hong kong waffles, a combo they call "The Puffle", just released some new stuff! They've got a new "puffle" which is a red velvet flavored hong kong waffle. OooH! And also, their "Sun Moon and Stars" ice flavor which is a mixture of oolong tea, jasmine tea, and green tea.

Pictured below is the red velvet puffle paired with the Sun Moon and Stars flavor on the left. On the right is my favorite flavor from here, which is the "Cauldron", a mixture of thin mint cookies and oreos! We got the original puffle cone for that one.

Here is an oogey gooey cute lovey dovey of Kevin looking at me the way I look at food. That's love <3

Our favorite flavor, "The Cauldron"! It's a mixture of thin mint cookies and oreos!

The menu! They have unique specialized flavors here!

$6.25 for the PUFFLE which gets you ice cream inside the Hong Kong waffle!

So we got the red velvet puffle by itself to see how it is like! Let's take a look!
*Note: you cannot order their puffles / hong kong waffles by itself. It can only be bought with the ice cream but you can order it on the side if you don't like soggy waffles!

Look at all those circles! Trypnophobia....

Inside one of the puffs! It's very red and looks like a red blood cell, according to Kevin. After he said that I couldn't stop imagining these things as red blood cells LOL...

It's not overly sweet or anything, which is my usual impression of red velvet anything, so that's good!

This ice cream is so damn photogenic!

We took Kevin's younger brother on our foodventure too!

Eating this ice cream can get a bit messy though. But I like how they have the paper cone thingy that has perforated areas that makes it easy to rip!

REMEMBER TO ASK FOR THE ROSE SHAPE OR ELSE YOU'LL GET A CIRCULAR SCOOP ONLY! They only make the rose shape for the rose flavored ice cream unless you request at the cashier for the rose shape.

So we all took awhile to decide on what to get but ended up going with the usual: The Cauldron! And we also tried their new flavor: Sun, Moon and Stars! They also have a new "puffle" which is a red velvet flavored Hong Kong waffle!


  • Small: $4.50
  • Medium: $5.50
  • Large: $8
  • Add a Sugar Cone for $1
  • The Puffle: $6.25 (includes 1 scoop of ice cream and a Hong Kong waffle)
*You can only get one flavor for all these sizes so I see no point in getting any other size other than small. Unless you reaaaaaaally want the same flavor in a huge quanity.

So you won't find your usual chocolate or vanilla flavors here. Instead, Cauldron has very specialized / unique flavors! They offer flavors like vanilla bean and double chocolate, earl grey lavender, s'mores (actually has graham cracker crumbs too!) thin mint oreos, rose, and more!

My faves to get here are:

  • Earl Grey Lavender. I would say their version is very strong and floral
  • Thin Mint Oreo (The Cauldron) is soooo good and by far my top fave
  • S'mores is great. They torch some marshmallow creme on top and even have graham cracker crumbs. The crumbs is notable because most places that carry "s'mores" is basically just chocolate and marshmallows... but where are the graham crackers? Cauldron knows how to do this right!
  • Rose tastes exactly like the rose and is shaped like a rose too! So pretty

When I read the description that this flavor is oolong tea, jasmine tea and green tea all combined with star shaped sprinkles on top, I was... kinda intrigued. But then when I finally tasted it I realized mixing different teas together is a bad idea. Honestly, none of us liked this flavor. I don't know why I ate as much as I did but I threw half of it away. It tastes like the smell of acetone (nail polish remover). Ick! Basically, it tastes like a flower. But like... too much flower if that makes sense. But they already have the rose flavor... (which is good btw!)

Red velvet flavored Hong Kong waffles! I personally don't like red velvet anything because it's basically just chocolate with red food coloring. Um... no. And most red velvet anything is very overly sweet. Luckily, the red velvet puffle was not overly sweet as I would expect. So it was okay! I wouldn't get it again though (biased) since I prefer the original plain flavored (flour) puffle! But, give it a shot if you're a red velvet lover!

Check out my previous post about Cauldron here:

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Address to Cauldron Ice Cream:
1421 W MacArthur Blvd F, Santa Ana, CA 92704

*In the same plaza as Ritters and 7 Eleven and Weinerschnitzel!

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